Researchers Assemble A Magnet That Is One Million Times More Powerful Than Earth’s Core

This 45.22-tesla magnet is just shy of the world record for the world’s strongest magnet.

China apparently launched the world’s strongest magnet for scientific research at a lab in the south east city of Hefei, which is in the Anhui province, a statement by the South China Morning Post discloses.

This magnet is said to be roughly the size and shape of a coin, with a diameter of thirty-three millimetres. Inspite of its modest size, it generates a consistent magnetic field of 45.22 tesla, that is in excess of a million times greater than the Earth’s magnetic field.

World Record Magnets

Scientists from the United States National High Magnetic Field Laboratory created a world record-breaking 45.5-tesla field in 2019. Having said that, these professionals did that with a test magnet that is not used for experiments.

The Hefei center has become the greatest steady-state magnetic field that can support scientific research.

The original record was set by the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in the US in 1999. Its hybrid magnet produced 450,000 gauss [45 tesla], and it has held the record for twenty-three years.

Developing such powerful magnetic fields demands a great sum of energy, though the rewards might also be world-changing. Scientists worldwide are developing incredibly powerful magnets in a bid to take advantage of the great possibility of nuclear fusion power, which could diminish the world’s dependence on nonrenewable fuel sources.

At the Heifei facility, a group of physicists put to use a powerful magnet back in the year 2016 to perform experiments, which led to the observation of an all-new physical phenomenon in carbon nanotubes. Their finding has potential applications in the semiconductor market, as research workers are seeking to substitute silicon with carbon in processors to generate super-fast low-power computers.

Unlocking nuclear fusion and additional advancements

Professor Kuang Guangli, the lead physicist on this magnetic field project explained that his team has successfully created the most powerful magnet on the planet for scientific research purposes.

Though the country’s magnetic field laboratory started relatively late, it just took approximately a decade to make the big jump from nobody to a forerunner, making the China speed for the formulation of strong magnetic technology the report concluded.

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